8 Best Colorful Species of Rainbowfish

8 Best Colorful Species of Rainbowfish


Rainbowfish are known for their shiny color and energetic behavior and belong to the Melanotaeniidea family. These fish are native in Australia, Indonesia, Madagascar, and New Guinea’s Islands. These are freshwater fish and easily adapted in aquariums and beloved pets for fish lovers because they have fabulous looks and are easy to maintain and care. Their colorful look takes the hearts of people that’s why they are very valuable in the aquarium trade. In this discussion we tell you about 8 colorful species of Rainbowfish.

Boesemani Rainbowfish

Boesemani Rainbowfish - Colorful Species of Rainbowfish

Boesemani Rainbowfish’s scientific name is Melanotaenia Boesemani. Boesemani are also known for their shiny colors and energetic behavior. They are found in freshwater of Ayamaru Lakes and Islands of Indonesia. Because of its lively look and peaceful nature they take the hearts of fish lovers. Boesemani are bluish purple in color half body and other half are orange and yellow.

Natural Habitat

Boesemani Rainbowfish live in clear and low freshwaters of lakes and their branches. Their surroundings are mostly rich in greenery to give them a place of hiding from hunters. The water is little limy a pH from 7.0 to 8.0 and the temperatures are 24°C to 28°C (75°F to 82°F) in which they habitat.

Behavioral Characteristic

Boesemani Rainbowfish are energetic and always travel in groups and grow well with the group which makes them best aquarium pets. During the periods of breeding fish males are engaged to show of fin flaring and increase their color to give females attraction.      

Axelrod’s Rainbowfish

Axelrod’s Rainbowfish - Colorful Species of Rainbowfish

Axelrod’s Rainbowfish is also called as Axelrodi Rainbowfish and scientifically named Chilatherina axelrodi. Axlerodi is an energetic and active species of fish which charms fish lovers with their attractive color and active behavior. Axelrod fish’s name is given in the honor of Dr. Herbert Axelrod who is a famous ichthyologist. Their males have blue, green, and red shades in color and females are less colorful like silver and pale green.

Natural Habitat

Axelrod’s Rainbowfish are habitat in clear and fast flow waters and in Sepik river basin branches in New Guinea. They mostly live in most planted areas for feeding and breeding. These waters are low alkaline pH (6.5 to 8.0) and temperature is 22°C to 26°C (72°F to 79°F) and high oxygen levels.

Behavioral Characteristics

Axelrod’s fish have schooling and social behavior. They travel in groups of fish which support them to decrease stress and show their natural behavior. These species of fish are non-aggressive and peaceful. They are well suited for living in fish aquariums. They live in high oxygen water and grow well to show their full range of colors.

Desert Rainbowfish

Desert Rainbowfish - Colorful Species of Rainbowfish

The Desert Rainbowfish’s scientific name is Melanotaenia splendida tatei. They are flexible to live in roughest surroundings and they are freshwater species. Desert fish are native to the dry areas of Australia. This species is proof of nature to grow well in challenging situations. Males of this fish have blue, green, and red shades in silver color and females have silvery or pale green.

Natural Habitat

Desert Rainbowfish are habitat in the passing water of interior Australia and mostly found in Western parts of Australia and Northern Territory. In rivers, creeks, and isolated holes of water they habitat. The pH levels of water is 6.5 to 8.0 and temperature is 20°C to 30°C (68°F to 86°F).

Behavioral Characteristics

Desert fish show various behaviors and are very flexible to adapt in fluctuating surroundings. They grow well in fish groups because they are social. They are peaceful species and they easily adjust with other peaceful species in the aquarium and they are active swimmers too.

Madagascan Rainbowfish

Madagascan Rainbowfish - Colorful Species of Rainbowfish

Madagascan Rainbowfish’s scientifically name is Bedotia geayi. They are attractive and fairly unique species in fish. They famous for its shiny colors and energetic behavior. They native to single environments of Madagascar. Madagascan fish show outstanding look and energetic character in aquarium because of that they take hearts of fish lover. Madagascan’s males have a shining silver and golden color of body and shiny red and orange color of their tail fin. Because of their color they are also named as “Red Tailed Silverside”.

Natural Habitat

Madagascan Rainbowfish are Habitat to the clear, fast flow water of rivers and water courses of eastern Madagascar. The water in which their habitat is highly planted, rocky and healthy oxygenated they choose these places for feeding and breeding. The water has pH 6.0 and 7.5 and temperature is 20°C to 28°C (68°F to 82°F).

Behavioral Characteristics

Madagascan Rainbow fish have a habit of forming small schools and they are social. Because of this behavior they are safe from hunters and stress free they find their food. They are well suited to adjust in aquariums because they travel in groups of six fish and decrease their stress and boost their natural behaviors.

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Banded Rainbowfish

Banded Rainbowfish - Colorful Species of Rainbowfish

Banded Rainbowfish’s scientific name is Melanotaenia trifasciata. They are famous freshwater species and well regarded for their outstanding look and energetic behavior. They are native to river water of northern Australia and aquarists love them for its lively behavior and shiny colors. Banded fish’s males have bright blue, green and yellow horizontal bands in silver colors because of their bands its name is “Banded fish”. Their females are less colorful and have quiet shades of pale blue and silver.

Natural Habitat

Banded Rainbowfish are habitat to the clear, slow flow water of river and river branches of Northern Territory and Queensland, Australia. These waters are heavily planted and give them places to hide from hunters, find their food and breed. The water in their habitat is little lime and pH is 6.0 to 7.5 and temperature of water is 24°C to 28°C (75°F to 82°F).

Behavioral Characteristics

Banded Rainbowfish are schooling and social fish and they booming and travel in the group of fish. Because of their schooling they travel easily without fear of hunters and show their natural shiny colors. This fish species is peaceful and active swimmers. They travel around their surroundings and they are best for keeping in house aquariums.

Threadfin Rainbowfish

Threadfin Rainbowfish - Colorful Species of Rainbowfish

Threadfin Rainbowfish’s scientific name is Iriatherina werneri. They are attractive freshwater species and known for their gentle beauty and smooth movements. Native in river ways of Northern Australia and New Guinea. Their exclusive fin and peaceful behavior takes the hearts of aquarists. They have fins like threads on their body parts like dorsal, anal and pelvic. Threadfin fish’s males have shiny blue, green, and yellow shades in their body color and black color on their fins. Females have shorter fins and little shinny in color.

Natural Habitat

Threadfin Rainbowfish are habitat to the slow moving rivers, marshlands, and highly planted rivers of Northern Australia and New Guinea. They are habitat in highly planted places to give themselves protection from hunters, find food and breed. The water is warm and clear and pH is 6.0 to 7.5 and temperature is 24°C to 30°C (75°F to 86°F).

Behavioral Characteristics

Threadfin Rainbowfish are social and peaceful And they are booming and traveling in groups of fish. In the breeding period females show complicated social behavior and males show their decorative fins to attract females. They are suitable for aquarium living because of their peaceful and calm behavior.

Celebes fish

Celebes Rainbowfish - Colorful Species of Rainbowfish

Celebes Rainbowfish’s scientific name is Marosatherina ladiges. They are freshwater species and famous for beauty and lively behavior. They originated from the Island of Sulawesi in Indonesia. They take the hearts of aquarists with their slim body, energetic movements, and shiny colors. Celebes fish’s males have blue, green and yellow shiny shades in their metallic sheen body color and have black marks on body and fins. Females are little less shiny and have short fins with silver and pale yellow color.

Natural Habitat

Celebes Rainbowfish are habitat to the clear and slow moving water of rivers and lakes which are full of greenery and underwater plants. These waters are a little acidic from normal water and pH is 6.0 to 7.5 and temperature is 24°C to 28°C (75°F to 82°F). The water is clear and well oxygenated and these species grow well in these perfect habitats.

Behavioral Characteristics

Celebes Rainbowfish are social and active species and they bloom and travel in schools of fish. They are showing energetic behavior in aquariums and traveling around in line movements. They are the perfect choice for keeping them in tanks because they are peaceful and easily adjust with other peaceful species.

Neon Rainbowfish

Neon Rainbowfish - Colorful Species of Rainbowfish

Neon Rainbowfish’s scientific name is Melanotaenia praecox. They are freshwater species and famous for their shiny colors, energetic behavior and small size. They native to the rocky region of Papua New Guinea. Both males and females have silvery blue shiny color, slim and extended body. Males are showing their neon blue shades on their body and red or orange color on fins and females are a little less colorful from males.

Natural Habitat

Neon Rainbowfish are habitat to the clear, fast flowing and branches of Mamberamo River in Papua New Guinea. These waters are little acidic and oxygenated with pH of 6.5 to 7.5 and temperature is 23°C to 28°C (73°F to 82°F). These waters are highly full of plants and greenery. This place gives them protection from hunters and best for finding food and breeding.

Behavioral Characteristics

Neon Rainbowfish are lively and social in behavior, they bloom and travel in groups of fish together. This group of fish decreases their stress and shows their natural colors without any fear. They are best for aquarium living because they are peaceful species and easily adjust with other peaceful species. Males are showing their fins and shiny colors to attract females in breeding periods.


Rainbowfish species are a different and lively group of freshwater fish. They make your aquarium fabulous with its shiny colors and lively behavior. For their well growth and healthy life it is important to understand their natural habitats, behavior and care needs. To study how to protect and keep them in care is important for fish lovers who want to keep them in aquariums. It is our responsibility to educate others about these beautiful and fabulous fish species and give them protection in the wild.

FAQ’s of Colorful Species of Rainbowfish

Q. What do Australian rainbowfish eat?

A. Australian rainbowfish eat various foods like flakes, pallets, and live food.

Q. How often should I change the water of my fish tank?

A. It is important to change tank water weekly to keep the freshwater.

Q. Can Australian rainbowfish live with other fish?

A. Yes, they have peaceful behavior and they easily adjust with other peaceful species.

Q. What is the best tank size for rainbowfish?

A. If you want to keep only rainbowfish then a 20 gallon tank is perfect and if you want to keep them with other species then you need larger tanks.

Q. How can I increase the color of my fish?

A. If you want to increase the color of fish then give them various food and maintain perfect water conditions.

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